Thursday, September 17, 2009

Starting Points

So here's a little bit about me, all you people not reading this blog. I'm a Junior in a smallish north east college. Anyone who thinks that college is harder than high school is sadly mistaken. Or maybe it was just me. I mean, I did go to a pretty good high school, but still... In high school I had homework every night, even in senior year, which is supposed a crazy party time for anyone who actually has friends. In college I'll go whole nights without even cracking open a text book, and I have days where I only take one 50 minute class in the whole day. I know people who only have classes on tuesdays and thursdays. If you think college is for some brand of astute intellectuals, you are sadly mistaken. These days, anyone who's parents can afford tuition can go to some kind of college. Even if you're a total fuck up in high school, you can still go to community for two years and then end up at my school. Seriously, what the fuck? Some of my professors are ridiculously incompetent, and they graduated from college too, which only further proves my point. Yuck. Yuck yuck yuck.

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