Friday, December 25, 2009

Musicians a smart person would know about

Here's some good music. The coolest music is the kind that no one knows about. The bigger your fan base, the more uncool you become. That's just common knowledge.

1. Rodrigo y Gabriela. Lose some cool points for appearing on the David Letterman show. They also have a pretty decent fan base, and they're currently #2 on the billboard charts for World Album with their sophomore album 11:11. However, no amount of exposure can totally dampen the amount of awesomeness that is this Mexican guitar duo. Holy hands batman.

2. Nouvelle Vague. A Fronch music collective. Their name means "New Wave" in French which is kind of lame I know. Your hipster friends like this band. If you have hipster friends. If you have friends. But for me, they get an extra helping of cool points for appearing mulitple times on the soundtrack of my favorite (read: the only) angsty lesbian-teen television programme (it's British too), Sugar Rush.

3. Jose Gonzales. Not too many people have heard of this guy, so if you mention his name you'll seem super hip and with it. Unfortunately I just learned that my favorite song by him, Heartbeats, is actually a cover. It's still beautiful though.

4. Brad sucks. Almost no one knows about this dude. Plus his songs are super angsty, so when you're in a depressed mood, put this guy on and know that someone is feelin you pain. There's some real self-effacing stuff buried under the catchy melodies. Put this on right after you finish listening to Beck's "Loser".

5. The Leisure Society. I heard these guys while I was studying abroad in London. I don't know how big they are now, but at the time I heard them, they were opening for Richard Swift. Don't know who Richard Swift is? Don't worry, I didn't either. Don't bother with him, he's kind of a mediocre American Blues guy/drunk. Or at least he was when I saw him preform. The Leisure Society is pretty awesome, chill music though. Plus they have a flute, which is super badass.

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