Monday, December 21, 2009

Well obviously I haven't been posting a lot recently. And there's a good reason for that. I'm a hopeless slacker who has zero motivation, and is destined for life on the curbside. Heh. Seriously, my plan is to be a writer. Yikes. I'm gonna be one of those writers who can never get past a flowery introduction and exposition. I think I'm Alice from "The World According to Garp," the lisping writer who has a way with words, but can never finish a novel.

Yeah, so anyway, why am i writing now you ask? Well, vast hole of interspace, I'm home for break. And that means I'm bored. It's 2 am, and no one's up, and recently I haven't been going to bed until around 4 in the morn. All of the websites and online comics that I follow are either lacking in updates, or have already been picked over by my scaveging eyes. So no more finals, yay! But no more friends either, boo.

So, update, I'm sick. No, it's not the swine, just a cold. I think. I know that's not the most super interesting news you've ever heard, but if ya don't like it, don't read it! Oh, guess everyone's already taking that advice...

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